Credit invoice

If you have created an incorrect sales invoice and want to delete it, you can either credit the invoice, or choose Void invoice as an action. The command reverses the invoice as a whole and can only be used on unpaid invoices. You can read more about voiding invoices in the topic Void a sales invoice.

To create a credit note, always start from an invoice that you have created previously. You can remove articles, rows or change the amounts but the total cannot exceed the original invoice's total.

If you have created the invoice from an order, the credit note will show the link to the original order.

  1. Select Sales - Sales invoices.
  2. Select the invoice you want to credit.
  3. Select Actions - Credit.

A credit note with the same customer and article information as the debit invoice then opens. If the whole invoice should be credited all you need to do is to select how to save it.

If you only want to credit the invoice partly, you can do so by changing the quantity or the price per article row. Make sure that the quantity of articles is shown with a minus sign if you are correcting the quantity. If the invoice contains article rows that should not be credited at all, either set the quantity to zero, or delete the row.

  1. Do one of the following when you are finished with the invoice:

If your customer can receive e-invoices/invoices in Kivra, it is already set as the default. Read more in the topic Why is it a preset how the invoice should be sent?.

Post to ledger and send by email The invoice is automatically sent to the email address specified for the customer in the customer register. The invoice is saved under Unpaid invoices.
Post to ledger and create PDF The invoice is saved as a PDF and can be printed out.
Post to ledger and send e-invoice The invoice is sent to the customer as an e-invoice.
Post to ledger and send letter The invoice is sent for printing and sent as a letter.
Save draft The invoice is not posted and is saved under Drafts.

The original incorrect invoice and the credit note will cancel each other out in the accounting. They must also be offset against each other for the invoice balances to disappear from the tab Unpaid sales invoices. You can read more about this under "Sales invoice - offset with credit note" in the topic Match incoming payments manually. Here you can also read more about handling sales invoices that have been rounded off at payment.

Working with the stock extension

If you send a credit note that includes stock articles you will get a question whether or not the stock articles should be returned to stock. If you select to return the articles an inbound delivery is created. Visma eEkonomi Smart keeps track of every single article and will return the articles to stock with the same purchase price and freight cost as they originally had.

Should you select not to return the articles to stock the program will automatically create an inbound delivery and then immediately create an outbound delivery for the article concerned. The reason for this is to get the sales statistics correct.

Related topics

Create sales invoice
Match incoming payments manually
Void a sales invoice
Credit an invoice with ROT/RUT deduction
Credit a sold invoice

Void or credit an invoice

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