Three steps to reduce your climate impact


The Klimatrapport scans all the purchases from the accounting of your company and matches the data against the emission values from Statistiska Centralbyrån. In this way your company's climate impact can be calculated. The more accurately recorded transactions, the more detailed the results. The result is shown in a pedagogical overview where your company's numbers are also compared with others in the same business.

Klimatrapporten is build upon the most widely used standard for climate reporting - Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG).



After the climate impact has been calculated it is time for your company to set up a reducing strategy.

Here you'll find a planning tool, where you get help to develop an action plan and find the climate actions that provide the highest impact for your business. Talk about taking your company to the next level of competitiveness with some sustainable streamlining of your operations!


Climate financing

The last part in a climate work is about climate financing. This is done together with Atmoz, who has conveyed traceable climate projects with robust certifications since 2006.

No matter how much your company reduces you will never reach zero. By financing a climate project your company can balance the emissions you cannot reduce. At the same time you will show that your company is a part of the global transition and really make a difference.


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Visma eEkonomi Klimatrapport/Klimatrapport Pro
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Search words: climate, carbon footprint, greenhouse gas emissions, sustainability, climate compensate, climate compensation