End a collaboration with an accounting office

Both the customer and the accounting office can, at any time, choose to end a collaboration for a service. Other collaborations are not affected.

  1. Go to vismaspcs.se.
  2. Log in to Mina tjänster.
  3. Select Collaborations in the menu at the top right corner.
  4. Click on the pen icon to the right of the service where you want to end the collaboration.
  5. Select End collaboration
  6. Select what shall happen after the collaboration ends. You can choose different alternatives depending on the service.
  7. Confirm by selecting End collaboration.

If you receive an error message when trying to end a collaboration, informing you that main contact is missing for the customer number, you solve this by setting a new Main contact. Go to My services, switch to the customer's company and select Users and services. Change a user's role by selecting the pen symbol followed by selecting Administrator. Finally, select this user as Main contact. Should your customer not be in the list over users, you first need to create a new user.

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